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I'm Making A Podcast About Game Programming

Announcing my new podcast "Game Data" that features deep-dive interviews with game creators about how they program and manage data in their games

October 7, 2024

Tagged: Podcast   Programming   Game Development  

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Listen to Game Data Here

I listen to a lot of game development-flavored podcasts, and one thing that has really stood out to me for a long time was how basically none of the podcasts were actually about development. There are plenty dedicated to creator interviews that discuss inspiration, design, etc., but practically none about the actual specifics of programming games.

Beyond that, I’ve had my own pet interest in the concept of data tooling in games. So much so that I have built my own data tool to address what I perceive as decencies in what’s otherwise available to developers. Data specifically is such a core part of every single game, but it’s an aspect of games that is very often overlooked or accidently discovered” far to late into the process. Years into development you eventually realize that you could have made different choices years ago that would have only required a small bit of thought to heavily alleviate the pain you now feel.

So to this end I’ve taken it upon myself to make the podcast I want to listen to. One that goes deep with game creators to talk about how they manage and author data for their games, but also about technical architecture in general. A podcast actually about development.

I’ve recorded the first few episodes and have to say that the podcast already feels great. You can feel the developers being excited to finally get to talk about some of this otherwise boring” stuff and talk in depth about interesting parts of a game and what they were proud (or not so proud!) of building. Inspiration and design are deeply important to games, but the lived reality of development is a lot of technical work, and providing an avenue for people to muse on that process has already proved incredibly fruitful.

For the first episode I was more than honored to get to interview Arnold Rauers of Tinytouchtales, and am happy to say that episode is now live!

I’m starting the podcast on Substack but we’re also syndicating to Apple Podcasts and will be coming to places like Spotify in the future.

For now, the podcast is free, though I’m considering making it paid as all of it does take time and effort to put together.

We’ll be releasing new episodes once a month.

Lastly, big shoutout to Royal Teague for doing the music for the show, and Josh Calixto for doing the audio editing!

Hope you enjoy!

Published on October 7, 2024.

Tagged: Podcast   Programming   Game Development  

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